MPP Zlib 设计及接口说明
MPP zlib 的功能:利用硬件加速解压 zlib 文件。
函数原型 | int mpp_zlib_uncompressed(unsigned char *compressed_data,unsigned int compressed_len,unsigned char *uncompressed_data,unsigned int uncompressed_len); |
功能说明 | 解压 zlib 文件 |
参数定义 | compressed_data - 压缩数据起始地址 len - 压缩数据长度 uncompressed_data - 存放解压数据 buffer 的起始地址 len - 存放解压数据 buffer 的长度 |
返回值 | >0,解压数据实际长度; <0,失败 |
注意事项 | compressed_data - 16 byte 对齐,填充数据后,需要刷 cachecompressed_len - 实际有效数据长度 byte 对齐,获取数据前,先清掉 cacheuncompressed_len - 8 byte 对齐,必须大于等于解压数据实际长度 |
参考 Demo
#include "dfs.h" #include "unistd.h" #include "mpp_zlib.h" #include "mpp_mem.h" #include "mpp_log.h" #include <console.h> #include "aic_core.h" static void print_help(char *program) { printf("Compile time: %s\n", __TIME__); printf("usage:%s input_file out_file out_put_buffer_len \n", program); printf("note:out_put_buffer_len >= out_file_size \n"); printf("exsample:%s readme.zlib readme.txt 204800\n",program); } int zlib_test(int argc,char **argv) { int ret = 0; int fd_in = 0; int fd_out = 0; int file_len; int in_len_align; int out_len; int out_len_align; int r_len=0,w_len=0; int uncompress_len; unsigned long in_buff = 0;; unsigned long in_buff_align; unsigned long out_buff = 0; unsigned long out_buff_align; int align; unsigned int before; unsigned int after; if (argc != 4) { print_help(argv[0]); return -1; } fd_in = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY); if (fd_in < 0) { loge("open %s fail\n",argv[1]); return -1; } file_len = lseek(fd_in, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fd_in, 0, SEEK_SET); #define INPUT_BUFFER_ALIGN 16 if (CACHE_LINE_SIZE > INPUT_BUFFER_ALIGN) { align = CACHE_LINE_SIZE; } else { align = INPUT_BUFFER_ALIGN; } //input buffer len align max of {CACHE_LINE_SIZE,INPUT_BUFFER_ALIGN} in_len_align = (file_len+align-1)/align*align; in_buff = (unsigned long)aicos_malloc(MEM_CMA, in_len_align+align-1); if (in_buff == 0) { loge("mpp_alloc fail\n"); ret = -1; goto _exit; } //input buffer addr align max of {CACHE_LINE_SIZE,INPUT_BUFFER_ALIGN} in_buff_align = ((in_buff+align-1)&(~(align-1))); r_len = read(fd_in,(void *)in_buff_align, file_len); logd("r_len:%d,in_len:%d\n",r_len,file_len); //flush cache* aicos_dcache_clean_range((unsigned long *)in_buff_align, (int64_t)in_len_align); out_len = atoi(argv[3]); if (out_len < file_len) { loge("param error :%d\n",out_len); ret = -1; goto _exit; } // out buffer len align CACHE_LINE_SIZE out_len_align = (out_len + CACHE_LINE_SIZE -1)/CACHE_LINE_SIZE*CACHE_LINE_SIZE; out_buff = (unsigned long)aicos_malloc(MEM_CMA, out_len_align+(CACHE_LINE_SIZE -1)); if (out_buff == 0) { loge("mpp_alloc fail\n"); ret = -1; goto _exit; } //out buffer addr align CACHE_LINE_SIZE out_buff_align = ((out_buff+CACHE_LINE_SIZE -1)&(~(CACHE_LINE_SIZE-1))); // uncompressed before = aic_get_time_us(); uncompress_len = mpp_zlib_uncompressed((unsigned char*)in_buff_align, file_len, (unsigned char*)out_buff_align, out_len_align); after = aic_get_time_us(); logd("diff:%u\n",after-before); if (uncompress_len < 0) { loge("mpp_zlib_uncompressed fail\n"); ret = -1; goto _exit; } //save uncompressed data fd_out = open(argv[2], O_RDWR|O_CREAT); if (fd_out < 0) { loge("open %s fail\n",argv[2]); ret = -1; goto _exit; } // invalid cache aicos_dcache_invalid_range((unsigned long *)out_buff_align, (int64_t)out_len_align); w_len = write(fd_out,(void *)out_buff_align, uncompress_len); logd("w_len:%d,uncompress_len:%d\n", w_len,uncompress_len); close(fd_out); _exit: if(out_buff) aicos_free(MEM_CMA, (void *)out_buff); if(in_buff) aicos_free(MEM_CMA, (void *)in_buff); if(fd_in) close(fd_in); return ret; }