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GE 模块数据结构如下:
  • enum ge_pd_rules:Porter/Duff alpha 混合规则枚举
     * enum ge_pd_mode - graphics engine Porter/Duff alpha blending rules
     * pixel = (source * fs + destination * fd)
     * sa = source alpha
     * da = destination alpha
     * @GE_PD_NONE:           fs: sa      fd: 1.0-sa (defaults)
     * @GE_PD_CLEAR:          fs: 0.0     fd: 0.0
     * @GE_PD_SRC:            fs: 1.0     fd: 0.0
     * @GE_PD_SRC_OVER:       fs: 1.0     fd: 1.0-sa
     * @GE_PD_DST_OVER:       fs: 1.0-da  fd: 1.0
     * @GE_PD_SRC_IN:         fs: da      fd: 0.0
     * @GE_PD_DST_IN:         fs: 0.0     fd: sa
     * @GE_PD_SRC_OUT:        fs: 1.0-da  fd: 0.0
     * @GE_PD_DST_OUT:        fs: 0.0     fd: 1.0-sa
     * @GE_PD_SRC_ATOP:       fs: da      fd: 1.0-sa
     * @GE_PD_DST_ATOP:       fs: 1.0-da  fd: sa
     * @GE_PD_ADD:            fs: 1.0     fd: 1.0
     * @GE_PD_XOR:            fs: 1.0-da  fd: 1.0-sa
     * @GE_PD_DST:            fs: 0.0     fd: 1.0
    enum ge_pd_rules {
            GE_PD_NONE           =  0,
            GE_PD_CLEAR          =  1,
            GE_PD_SRC            =  2,
            GE_PD_SRC_OVER       =  3,
            GE_PD_DST_OVER       =  4,
            GE_PD_SRC_IN         =  5,
            GE_PD_DST_IN         =  6,
            GE_PD_SRC_OUT        =  7,
            GE_PD_DST_OUT        =  8,
            GE_PD_SRC_ATOP       =  9,
            GE_PD_DST_ATOP       = 10,
            GE_PD_ADD            = 11,
            GE_PD_XOR            = 12,
            GE_PD_DST            = 13,
  • struct ge_ctrl:GE 控制结构体
     * struct ge_ctrl - ge ctrl functions
     * @alpha_en
     *  0: enable Porter/Duff alpha blending
     *  1: disable Porter/Duff alpha blending
     * @alpha_rules: Porter/Duff alpha blending rules
     * @src_alpha_mode: source alpha mode
     *  0: pixel alpha mode(src_alpha = src_pixel_alpha)
     *  1: global alpha mode(src_alpha = src_global_alpha)
     *  2: mixded alpha mode(src_alpha = src_pixel_alpha * src_global_alpha / 255)
     * @src_global_alpha: source global alpha value (0~255)
     *  used by global alpha mode and mixded alpha mode
     * @dst_alpha_mode: destination alpha mode
     *  0: pixel alpha mode(dst_alpha = dst_pixel_alpha)
     *  1: global alpha mode(dst_alpha = dst_global_alpha)
     *  2: mixded alpha mode(dst_alpha = dst_pixel_alpha * dst_global_alpha / 255)
     * @dst_global_alpha: destination global alpha value (0~255)
     *  used by global alpha mode and mixed alpha mode
     * @ck_en
     *  0: disable color key
     *  1: enable color key
     * @ck_value: rgb value of color key to match the source pixels
     *  bit[31:24]: reserved
     *  bit[23:16]: R value
     *  bit[15:8]: G value
     *  bit[7:0]: B value
     * @dither_en(Not supported by IOC_GE_ROTATE)
     *  0: disable dither
     *  1: enable dither
     * @flags: the flags of some functions, such as scan order, src H/V flip
     *         and src 90/180/270 degree rotation, the H flip, V flip
     *         and rotation can be enabled at the same time, the effect
     *         of flip is in front of rotation, only supported by IOC_GE_BITBLT
     *         the flags was defined in mpp_types.h
    struct ge_ctrl {
            unsigned int       alpha_en;
            enum ge_pd_rules   alpha_rules;
            unsigned int       src_alpha_mode;
            unsigned int       src_global_alpha;
            unsigned int       dst_alpha_mode;
            unsigned int       dst_global_alpha;
            unsigned int       ck_en;
            unsigned int       ck_value;
            unsigned int       dither_en;
            unsigned int       flags;
  • enum ge_fillrect_type:颜色填充类型枚举
     * enum ge_fillrect_type - the ge fill rectangle types:
     * GE_NO_GRADIENT: No gradient is used, only use start_color to
     *                  fill rectangle, ignore end_color
     * GE_H_LINEAR_GRADIENT: Interpolates colors between start_color
     *                  and end_color in the horizontal direction
     *                  form left to right
     * GE_V_LINEAR_GRADIENT: Interpolates colors between start_color and
     *                  end_color in the vertical direction from top to
     *                  buttom
    enum ge_fillrect_type {
            GE_NO_GRADIENT         = 0,
            GE_H_LINEAR_GRADIENT   = 1,
            GE_V_LINEAR_GRADIENT   = 2,
  • struct ge_fillrect:矩形填充结构体
     * struct ge_fillrect - ge fill rectangle
     * @type: fill rect type
     * @start_color: start color(32 bits)
     * bit[31:24] alpha value
     * bit[23:16] r value
     * bit[15:8]  g value
     * bit[7:0]   b value
     * @end_color: end color(32 bits)
     * bit[31:24] alpha value
     * bit[23:16] r value
     * bit[15:8]  g value
     * bit[7:0]   b value
     * @dst_buf: the destination buffer
     * @ctrl: ge ctrl functions
    struct ge_fillrect {
            enum ge_fillrect_type  type;
            unsigned int           start_color;
            unsigned int           end_color;
            struct mpp_buf         dst_buf;
            struct ge_ctrl         ctrl;
    }; struct ge_b
  • struct ge_bitblt:位块搬移结构体
     * struct ge_bitblt - ge bitblt
     * @src_buf: the source buffer
     * @dst_buf: the destination buffer
     * @ctrl: ge ctrl functions
    struct ge_bitblt {
            struct mpp_buf   src_buf;
            struct mpp_buf   dst_buf;
            struct ge_ctrl   ctrl;
  • struct ge_bitblt:位块搬移结构体
     * struct ge_rotation - ge rotation
     * @src_buf: the source buffer
     * @dst_buf: the destination buffer
     * @src_rot_center: left-top x/y coordinate of src center
     * @dst_rot_center: left-top x/y coordinate of dst center
     * @angle_sin: 2.12 fixed point, the sin value of rotation angle
     * @angle_cos: 2.12 fixed point, the cos value of rotation angle
     * @ctrl: ge ctrl functions
    struct ge_rotation {
            struct mpp_buf        src_buf;
            struct mpp_buf        dst_buf;
            struct mpp_point      src_rot_center;
            struct mpp_point      dst_rot_center;
            int                   angle_sin;
            int                   angle_cos;
            struct ge_ctrl        ctrl;
  • enum ge_mode:GE 模式枚举
    enum ge_mode {