MPP VIN 设计及接口说明
MPP VIN模块主要实现两个功能:
对上封装了DVP、Camera驱动的ioctl接口(尽量做到和Linux MPP VIN保持一致)
图 1. MPP VIN模块的软件框架
VIN模块中的队列管理,参考了Linux的V4L2框架,通过 struct vb_queue
结构中的两个Buf队列来管理,DVP驱动中还需要维护一个buf_list来配合DVP控制器的地址更新。 整个Buf流转的过程如下图:

从图中的流转过程看,运行期间,在某一时刻,DVP需要使用一个Buf,APP需要使用一个Buf,QBuf需要有一个Buf在等待(否则DVP的done中断来了后发现没有等待的Qbuf会发生丢帧),一共 至少要有3个Buf。
总大小 = 长 * 宽 * 2 * 3
Plane Y | Width * height | Width * height |
Plane UV | Width * height | Width * height / 2 |
根据前面对“Buf队列管理”的分析可知:我们要分配的内存空间 至少要有3个Buf,每个Buf包含两个Plane。
函数原型 | int mpp_vin_init(char *camera) |
功能说明 | 初始化VIN模块,包括打开Camera设备、DVP设备、为Video Buf分配内存池 |
参数定义 | camera - 摄像头的设备名称 |
返回值 | 0,成功;<0,失败 |
注意事项 | 内存池默认配置8MB,需要根据实际的应用场景来修改 |
函数原型 | int mpp_vin_deinit(void) |
功能说明 | 释放VIN模块的资源,包括关闭Camera设备和DVP设备,释放Video Buf内存池 |
参数定义 | 无 |
返回值 | 无 |
注意事项 |
函数原型 | int mpp_dvp_ioctl(int cmd, void *arg) |
功能说明 | DVP 设备的ioctl接口 |
参数定义 | cmd - ioctl 命令码arg - ioctl 命令相应的参数 |
返回值 | 0,成功;<0,失败 |
注意事项 |
命令行工具test_dvp实现了一个完整的 Sensor -> DVP -> DE
的Video layer。 整体的处理流程如下图(图中按照访问对象分为三列,实际上整体是串行执行):

#define VID_BUF_NUM 3 #define VID_BUF_PLANE_NUM 2 #define VID_SCALE_OFFSET 20 static const char sopts[] = "f:c:h"; static const struct option lopts[] = { {"format", required_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"capture", required_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"usage", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; struct aic_dvp_data { int w; int h; int frame_size; int frame_cnt; int dst_fmt; // output format struct mpp_video_fmt src_fmt; uint32_t num_buffers; struct vin_video_buf binfo; }; static struct aic_dvp_data g_vdata = {0}; #ifdef AIC_DISPLAY_DRV static struct mpp_fb *g_fb = NULL; static struct aicfb_screeninfo g_fb_info = {0}; #endif /* Functions */ static void usage(char *program) { printf("Usage: %s [options]: \n", program); printf("\t -f, --format\t\tformat of input video, NV16/NV12 etc\n"); printf("\t -c, --count\t\tthe number of capture frame \n"); printf("\t -u, --usage \n"); printf("\n"); printf("Example: %s -f nv16 -c 1\n", program); } static long long int str2int(char *_str) { if (_str == NULL) { pr_err("The string is empty!\n"); return -1; } if (strncmp(_str, "0x", 2)) return atoi(_str); else return strtoll(_str, NULL, 16); } int get_fb_info(void) { int ret = 0; #ifdef AIC_DISPLAY_DRV ret = mpp_fb_ioctl(g_fb, AICFB_GET_SCREENINFO, &g_fb_info); if (ret < 0) pr_err("ioctl() failed! errno: -%d\n", -ret); #endif pr_info("Screen width: %d, height %d\n", g_fb_info.width, g_fb_info.height); return ret; } int set_ui_layer_alpha(int val) { int ret = 0; #ifdef AIC_DISPLAY_DRV struct aicfb_alpha_config alpha = {0}; alpha.layer_id = AICFB_LAYER_TYPE_UI; alpha.enable = 1; alpha.mode = 1; alpha.value = val; ret = mpp_fb_ioctl(g_fb, AICFB_UPDATE_ALPHA_CONFIG, &alpha); if (ret < 0) pr_err("ioctl() failed! errno: -%d\n", -ret); #endif return ret; } int sensor_get_fmt(void) { int ret = 0; struct mpp_video_fmt f = {0}; ret = mpp_dvp_ioctl(DVP_IN_G_FMT, &f); if (ret < 0) { pr_err("ioctl() failed! err -%d\n", -ret); // return -1; } g_vdata.src_fmt = f; g_vdata.w = g_vdata.src_fmt.width; g_vdata.h = g_vdata.src_fmt.height; pr_info("Sensor format: w %d h %d, code 0x%x, bus 0x%x, colorspace 0x%x\n", f.width, f.height, f.code, f.bus_type, f.colorspace); return 0; } int dvp_subdev_set_fmt(void) { int ret = 0; ret = mpp_dvp_ioctl(DVP_IN_S_FMT, &g_vdata.src_fmt); if (ret < 0) { pr_err("ioctl() failed! err -%d\n", -ret); return -1; } return 0; } int dvp_cfg(int width, int height, int format) { int ret = 0; struct dvp_out_fmt f = {0}; f.width = g_vdata.src_fmt.width; f.height = g_vdata.src_fmt.height; f.pixelformat = format; f.num_planes = VID_BUF_PLANE_NUM; ret = mpp_dvp_ioctl(DVP_OUT_S_FMT, &f); if (ret < 0) { pr_err("ioctl() failed! err -%d\n", -ret); return -1; } return 0; } int dvp_request_buf(struct vin_video_buf *vbuf) { int i; if (mpp_dvp_ioctl(DVP_REQ_BUF, (void *)vbuf) < 0) { pr_err("ioctl() failed!\n"); return -1; } pr_info("Buf Plane[0] size Plane[1] size\n"); for (i = 0; i < vbuf->num_buffers; i++) { pr_info("%3d 0x%x %8d 0x%x %8d\n", i, vbuf->planes[i * vbuf->num_planes].buf, vbuf->planes[i * vbuf->num_planes].len, vbuf->planes[i * vbuf->num_planes + 1].buf, vbuf->planes[i * vbuf->num_planes + 1].len); } return 0; } void dvp_release_buf(int num) { #if 0 int i; struct video_buf_info *binfo = NULL; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { binfo = &g_vdata.binfo[i]; if (binfo->vaddr) { munmap(binfo->vaddr, binfo->len); binfo->vaddr = NULL; } } #endif } int dvp_queue_buf(int index) { if (mpp_dvp_ioctl(DVP_Q_BUF, (void *)(ptr_t)index) < 0) { pr_err("ioctl() failed!\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int dvp_dequeue_buf(int *index) { int ret = 0; ret = mpp_dvp_ioctl(DVP_DQ_BUF, (void *)index); if (ret < 0) { pr_err("ioctl() failed! err -%d\n", -ret); return -1; } return 0; } int dvp_start(void) { int ret = 0; ret = mpp_dvp_ioctl(DVP_STREAM_ON, NULL); if (ret < 0) { pr_err("ioctl() failed! err -%d\n", -ret); return -1; } return 0; } int dvp_stop(void) { int ret = 0; ret = mpp_dvp_ioctl(DVP_STREAM_OFF, NULL); if (ret < 0) { pr_err("ioctl() failed! err -%d\n", -ret); return -1; } return 0; } #define DVP_SCALE 0 int video_layer_set(struct aic_dvp_data *vdata, int index) { #ifdef AIC_DISPLAY_DRV int i; struct aicfb_layer_data layer = {0}; struct vin_video_buf *binfo = &vdata->binfo; layer.layer_id = AICFB_LAYER_TYPE_VIDEO; layer.enable = 1; #if DVP_SCALE #if 0 layer.scale_size.width = g_fb_info.width - VID_SCALE_OFFSET * 2; layer.scale_size.height = g_fb_info.height - VID_SCALE_OFFSET * 2; layer.pos.x = VID_SCALE_OFFSET; layer.pos.y = VID_SCALE_OFFSET; #else /* Reduce the size to fb0*1/2 */ layer.scale_size.width = g_fb_info.width / 2; layer.scale_size.height = g_fb_info.height / 2; layer.pos.x = g_fb_info.width / 2 - VID_SCALE_OFFSET; layer.pos.y = g_fb_info.height / 2 - VID_SCALE_OFFSET; #endif #else layer.scale_size.width = vdata->w; layer.scale_size.height = vdata->h; layer.pos.x = g_fb_info.width - vdata->w; layer.pos.y = 0; #endif layer.buf.size.width = vdata->w; layer.buf.size.height = vdata->h; if (vdata->dst_fmt == MPP_FMT_NV16) layer.buf.format = MPP_FMT_NV16; else layer.buf.format = MPP_FMT_NV12; layer.buf.buf_type = MPP_PHY_ADDR; for (i = 0; i < VID_BUF_PLANE_NUM; i++) { layer.buf.stride[i] = vdata->w; layer.buf.phy_addr[i] = binfo->planes[index * VID_BUF_PLANE_NUM + i].buf; } if (mpp_fb_ioctl(g_fb, AICFB_UPDATE_LAYER_CONFIG, &layer) < 0) { pr_err("ioctl() failed!\n"); return -1; } #endif return 0; } #define NS_PER_SEC 1000000000 static void show_fps(struct timespec *start, struct timespec *end, int cnt) { double diff; if (end->tv_nsec < start->tv_nsec) { diff = (double)(NS_PER_SEC + end->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec)/NS_PER_SEC; diff += end->tv_sec - 1 - start->tv_sec; } else { diff = (double)(end->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec)/NS_PER_SEC; diff += end->tv_sec - start->tv_sec; } printf("\nDVP frame rate: %d.%d, frame %d / %d.%d seconds\n", (u32)(cnt / diff), (u32)(cnt * 10 / diff) % 10, cnt, (u32)diff, (u32)(diff * 10) % 10); } static void test_dvp_thread(void *arg) { int i, index = 0; struct timespec begin, now; if (dvp_request_buf(&g_vdata.binfo) < 0) return; for (i = 0; i < g_vdata.binfo.num_buffers; i++) { if (dvp_queue_buf(i) < 0) return; } if (dvp_start() < 0) return; #if DVP_SCALE pr_info("DVP scale is enable\n"); #else pr_info("DVP scale is disable\n"); #endif clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &begin); for (i = 0; i < g_vdata.frame_cnt; i++ ) { if (dvp_dequeue_buf(&index) < 0) break; // pr_debug("Set the buf %d to video layer\n", index); if (video_layer_set(&g_vdata, index) < 0) break; dvp_queue_buf(index); if (i && (i % 1000 == 0)) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); show_fps(&begin, &now, i); } } if ((i - 1) % 1000 != 0) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); show_fps(&begin, &now, i); } dvp_stop(); dvp_release_buf(g_vdata.binfo.num_buffers); mpp_vin_deinit(); if (g_fb) mpp_fb_close(g_fb); } static void cmd_test_dvp(int argc, char **argv) { int c; aicos_thread_t thid = NULL; memset(&g_vdata, 0, sizeof(struct aic_dvp_data)); g_vdata.dst_fmt = MPP_FMT_NV16; g_vdata.frame_cnt = 1; optind = 0; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, sopts, lopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'f': if (strncasecmp("nv12", optarg, strlen(optarg)) == 0) g_vdata.dst_fmt = DVP_OUT_FMT_NV12; continue; case 'c': g_vdata.frame_cnt = str2int(optarg); continue; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return; default: break; } } pr_info("Capture %d frames from camera\n", g_vdata.frame_cnt); pr_info("DVP out format: %s\n", g_vdata.dst_fmt == MPP_FMT_NV16 ? "NV16" : "NV12"); if (mpp_vin_init(CAMERA_NAME_OV)) return; if (sensor_get_fmt() < 0) goto error_out; if (dvp_subdev_set_fmt() < 0) goto error_out; if (g_vdata.dst_fmt == MPP_FMT_NV16) g_vdata.frame_size = g_vdata.w * g_vdata.h * 2; else if (g_vdata.dst_fmt == DVP_OUT_FMT_NV12) g_vdata.frame_size = (g_vdata.w * g_vdata.h * 3) >> 1; g_fb = mpp_fb_open(); if (!g_fb) { pr_err("Failed to open FB\n"); goto error_out; } if (get_fb_info() < 0) goto error_out; if (set_ui_layer_alpha(15) < 0) goto error_out; if (dvp_cfg(g_vdata.w, g_vdata.h, g_vdata.dst_fmt) < 0) goto error_out; g_vdata.num_buffers = VID_BUF_NUM; thid = aicos_thread_create("test_dvp", 4096, 0, test_dvp_thread, NULL); if (thid == NULL) { pr_err("Failed to create DVP thread\n"); return; } return; error_out: mpp_vin_deinit(); if (g_fb) mpp_fb_close(g_fb); } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(cmd_test_dvp, test_dvp, Test DVP and camera);